Poetry About Mental Illness That Runs The Gamut From The Simple To The Sublime!
Overview: K.G. Petrone’s poetry collection is dedicated to all those who suffer from maladies of the heart, mind, and soul (eg: heartache, grief, guilt, remorse, regret, etc.), as well as anyone struggling with Mental Illnesses (eg: depression, anxiety disorder, addiction, P.T.S.D, O.C.D., claustrophobia, mania, and others).
Poetry is an art form that not only expresses one’s current state of well-being, it’s a message that reaches deep into one’s soul. With this particular poetry collection, K.G. Petrone manifests a well-spring of poetic creations that are aimed at creating a positive psychological impact for readers.
Interspersed with visual imagery that compliments her works, Author Petrone’s poetry wades into troubled waters by touching on various mental health issues, expanding on the feelings behind the disorders that affect those who have little to no true control over their actions or who see themselves as less-than-perfect, not worthy, or bullied. The poetry collection runs the gamut from the simple to the sublime—In “How Words Can Harm”, the message expressed by Petrone is simple; to be considerate to others. Progressing forward, “Two Gears” encourages an open dialogue about self-worth, hopelessness, despair, and depression. “Not All That” and “Negative Wizards” are two poems that acknowledge we don’t always see ourselves objectively, turning and eye on body dysmorphia and low self-esteem while stressing the commonalities among people and the value of one’s own soul. The further one reads of this collection, the more specific these works are in dealing with mental challenges and their effect on one’s life.
K.G. Petrone’s poetry is both pertinent and profound. Art and poetry are the best means to understand the raw emotions of loss, depression, addiction, and compulsion. They are visual art forms that impress the colors of such feelings directly on our hearts and in our minds. Petrone’s poetry succeeds in these areas. I highly recommend this read for anyone who knows someone who has been affected by mental illness or has themselves experienced the conditions that all human beings must suffer while navigating the troubled waters of life.
Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at AuthorJBRichards.com under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!
Find "Accepting the Ego (Ego Anthology)" by K.G. Petrone on Amazon & Kindle here.
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