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"Circlet of Orchids: Inspired by a second chance love" by Autumn Murray - IHIBRP 5-Star Bo

JB Richards

A Love/Hate Romance Encompasses Years Of Opportunity & Misfortune!

Overview: A teenage romance is disrupted by opportunities not taken. But years later, when a second chance at love presents itself, will this couple be able to turn their lost relationship around?

This up and down, love/hate romance, complicated by a series of opportunities and misfortunes, pulls readers through years of utter longing and bitter strife as Author Autumn Murray draws on her own experiences with second chance love in “Circlet of Orchids”.

Murray pens a witty, charming, and sometimes tragic romance between an Irish surfer/mechanic, Max, and a beautiful rodeo rider, Ivy. Her tale captures readers’ attention and tugs at the heartstrings even as Fate seems to work against a couple who truly belong together. Most touching are scenes where Max is willing to give up his own hopes and dreams to make a life with Ivy, but just as he reaches the pinnacle of an opportunity to express his romantic desires, Ivy’s plans force him, over and over again, to sacrifice love in favor of fulfilling her own dreams and desires. When Ivy interprets Max’s sacrifices as disinterest, their relationship instantly sours, causing a rift between the two that causes years of pain and misery and forces the pair to find love in another’s arms.

Murray sets up a tense plotline within the framework of this romance novel. Her characters are highly likable and believable. At times funny, and at other times tragic, this story pulls readers into a genuine relationship with these characters as they live their lives continent-hopping and racing toward their dreams.

I recommend this true-to-life romance for ages 18 and over.

Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!

Find "Circlet of Orchids: Inspired by a second chance love" by Autumn Murray on Amazon & Kindle here.

IHIBRP, IHI Book Review Project, IHIBRP Round 19, Book Review, Book Review Blogger, IHIBRP Blog, Indieverse, Author JB Richards, Indie Author, Amazon, Kindle, Goodreads, Ebooks, Reading Community, Recommended Reads, Kindle Unlimited, Contemporary Romance, Sweet Romance, Teen, Young Adult, Drama, Tragedy, IHIBRP Award, IHIBRP Recommended Read, Must Reads, Great Reads, Circlet of Orchids, Autumn Murray,


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