A Superb Middle-Age-Styled Fantasy Epic!
Overview: “Vengeance of Hope” is P.J.Berman’s epic debut novel—A Middle-Age-styled fantasy/action/adventure marking the beginning of the Silrith series.
In the tradition of grand epics like Ivanhoe and Camelot, Author P.J. Berman pens a masterful saga complete with royal pomp and circumstance, crucial power struggles, earth-shaking assassinations, and court intrigue as soldiers and spies fight vicious battles to seize control of the realm. As if all this wasn’t enough to keep a reader riveted to this epic, Berman adds a driving force to the complex interwoven tapestry that is “Vengeance of Hope”—A legend that predicts the coming of an unnamed Warrior who will arise and rule them all.
Berman’s cast of colorful characters are so well-conceived and developed, with personalities whose histories have such lush backgrounds, they explain the overall history of this saga. Heroes are heroic, savvy, and bold, yet modest and self-effacing, while villains remain committed to their own selfish goals and aspirations, causing them to end up richly deserving of their ultimate fates. Both men and women act as equal driving forces in this story, using their wits and strength of mind to survive and conquer their enemies—Be that in battle or in love.
Berman’s self-encapsulated world includes its own colorful history based on multiple family legacies which are easy to understand and follow. “Vengeance of Hope” also contains a glossary, character list, and detailed maps that help guide the reader through this tale.
Berman’s story does contain graphic violence and adult situations as befits a Middle-Age-styled fantasy epic of this caliber, so I highly recommend this read for young adults and adults who enjoy wartime epics, battle scenes, and court intrigue.
“Vengeance of Hope” is available as an audiobook narrated by Christopher Dukes.
Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at AuthorJBRichards.com under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!
Find "Vengeance of Hope: Can freedom ever be for all? (Silrith Book 1)" by P.J. Berman on Amazon & Kindle here.
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