The Cassal Family Legacy Continues To Fascinate & Inspire!
Self-discovery and evolving relationships amidst the familiar backdrop of kit, kin, and duty are the main focuses for the fated characters in SK Wee’s epic fantasy, “Marked by Fate”, as the author continues to explore the trials and tribulations of the Cassal family in this third chapter of her compelling saga, the Whispers from Beyond Series.
In “Marked by Fate”, conflict-resolution in regard to relationships and romances comes to fruition and weighs quite heavily in this particular plotline. Wee’s tale, however, is sufficiently balanced with more than a few twists and turns as each character find their place in the Cassal dynasty. Exciting new assignments, marriages, births, and unexpected deaths take their toll on Frankie and Twig as their children cope with their new adult burdens against a panorama of distrust, ambition, and strife.
Wee's fans will find that this story moves forward quickly with as much good-natured humor as can be summoned, unique and creative ways to resolve problems, newly discovered magic, and plenty of action to whet one’s appetite for more. Just the right amount of foreshadowing and a solid cliffhanger lend hope that the amazing characters in “Marked by Fate” will soon return to carry forward the lives and loves of a new generation.
“Marked by Fate” contains some violence and romantic situations that are age-appropriate for readers 13 and up. As in her prior novels that are associated with this and her Spectrum of Color Series, the author takes great care to review her characters’ history and their places in their world. I would, however, highly recommend reading her aforementioned series, along with the two preceding novels in the Whispers from Beyond Series', in order to get a complete view of the overall story.
Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at AuthorJBRichards.com under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!
Find “Marked by Fate: Whispers from Beyond Book Three” by SK Wee on Amazon & Kindle here.
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