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“Bit Grim, Isn’t It?: A Short Story Collection” by Christopher Galvin - IHIBRP 3-Star Book Review

JB Richards

A Horror Collection Smacked With A Touch Of Dark Humor!

Author Christopher Galvin offers a compilation of 10 self-authored short stories in his macabre and eerie horror collection smacked with a touch of dark humor, “Bit Grim, Isn’t It?”

The surprise factor is high in Galvin’s plotline as he guides his readers on a journey loaded with plenty of twists and turns. Expectations seldom work out as forecasted in these stories, which makes this ride somewhat unpredictable and surprising as Galvin injects plenty of suspense, dark humor, and irony into his work.

At the time I read this book in January 2019, Galvin’s stories—especially the title story—were plagued by a series of editing and grammatical issues (missing and improper punctuation, fractured and incomplete sentences, etc.). Some readers like me find this jarring, and I believe the quality of this read could have been greatly enhanced through the use of an editing program or the employment of a professional editor.

Editing issues aside, the aforementioned opening story completely hooks one into reading this work, and Galvin’s storytelling skills stand on their own based on his insertion of dark humor, creativity, and original content. I recommend this book for readers ages 13 and up.

Note: Amazon defines a 3-Star rating as “It was ok”. A 3-Star rating is a neutral rating—It means a book (or product, to be more general) is, in the reader’s eyes, adequate—This is how I rated this story due to the issues cited in my review. In essence, Amazon review ratings are subjective and express a reader’s personal taste and opinion about a book or product—One which is formulated by an individual and may or may not necessarily represent another reader’s opinion. In the end, whether a one agrees with my rating of this item or not, I highly encourage you to either mark my review as helpful or leave your own review.

Find “Bit Grim, Isn’t It?: A Short Story Collection” by Christopher Galvin on Amazon & Kindle here.

IHIBRP, IHI Book Review Project, IHIBRP Round 15, Book Review, Indie Author, Amazon, Kindle, Goodreads, Ebooks, Kindle Unlimited, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Short Stories, Collections, Horror, Macabre, Irony, Bit Grim Isn’t It, Christopher Galvin,


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