A Heroic Tale Of Two Worlds On A Collision Course!
Worlds collide in Bob Goddard’s “The Dark Side Of Mother Moon” when the discovery of a sunken spaceship which was launched from the Moon and crashed on Earth over 1,000-years earlier is brought to light by a group of 14th-century marooned sailors during their dealings with their would-be rescuers—a civilization commonly referred to as mermaids.
Rich in detail and speculation on events that could possibly evolve in a futuristic alternative history timeline, Goddard pens a story that is well-researched, provocative, and highly compelling. The author’s plotline is clearly understood and appeals to a wide range of readers from Sci-Fi aficionados to pure romantics, and on to mystery and suspense lovers.
Goddard’s use of technology is appropriate to his alternate history line and to the various societies introduced in his novel. Each of Goddard’s societies is well represented, whether they represent the high-tech civilizations living on the Moon, or are small groups of beings eking out a humble existence on Earth’s lands and seas. The author’s characters are complete and fully-fleshed, and protagonists are provided with adequate and oftentimes elaborate backstories that create a vivid picture of their races, personalities, convictions, and motivations to take certain actions.
Whether it is the bond that can forge the future of lunar nations, or an affair if the heart between an Earth boy and a mermaid, the relationships that develop as a result of the circumstances drawn out in this reunification tale of Moon and Earth are believable. The overall read is quite satisfying and thoroughly enjoyable.
Although Goddard’s “The Dark Side Of Mother Moon” is meant to be read as a follow-up story to his 2015 publication, “Mother Moon”, I do feel this novel could be enjoyed as a stand-alone read. Because of the high-tech and scientific concepts included in this tale, I would recommend this book for readers ages 15 and up. This story does contain some violence, but no more than the average pre-teen is exposed to on a daily basis in our own modern society. In essence, Goddard’s novel is a must-read for any Sci-Fi fan seeking an awesome a thrill ride filled with mystery and suspense.
Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at AuthorJBRichards.com under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!
Find “The Dark Side Of Mother Moon” by Bob Goddard on Amazon & Kindle here.
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