A Classic Mystery That Will Keep You Guessing!
Things take a dramatic turn when Detective Inspector Michael Dachemont’s quiet holiday on the southern coast of England is interrupted and he is called upon to investigate an apparent robbery attempt. Worse, what at first appears to be a minor incident, soon turns into the tip of the proverbial iceberg as Michael’s investigation churns up more twists and turns than even the most experienced Scotland Yard veteran like himself may be able to handle.
Deborah Teller Scott’s “DOWNFALL” is a classic detective novel filled with mystery and suspense. To the delight of many would-be-amateur-detectives, the author’s well-paced plotline allows just enough time to make them wonder if they themselves may or may not be drawing the right conclusions to solve this uncanny mystery. Certainly, Teller Scott keeps her audience on its toes by quickly luring them away from their own conclusions as another fascinating new character is introduced, an enigmatic new clue is suddenly revealed, or an unforeseeable and stunning event takes place around each and every corner.
“DOWNFALL”’s characters may be a bit stereotypical with the eager young rookie detective who fawns over his venerable elder new partner like a starry-eyed waif, the wealthy and forever-bored socialite couple who have a habit of disappearing at the most inconvenient times, the compulsive and obsessive concierge who thoroughly wraps himself up in all his guests’ lives, the hotel staff who pretends to know little to nothing about their guests—although most have regularly occupied their fine establishment many times in the past, the playboy with dark and mysterious secrets to hide, the rich debutante and possible love-connection for the Detective Inspector who has even more dark and mysterious secrets to hide... Well, you get the point, I’m sure. The familiar entourage sets up the scenes with classic regularity, but Teller Scott imbues her traditional mystery-caper with qualities that are quite unique and compelling as generates a story that is well worth examining.
“DOWNFALL” is a perfect weekend or travel take-along for readers who love mystery and suspense with a hefty portion of thrills and chills tossed in for good measure. This novel does contain adult situations and violence, but nothing that would be considered distasteful or out of the ordinary. Personally, I found the tale piqued my interest in the character of Detective Inspector Michael Dachemont and I’m looking forward to reading more of Teller Scott’s work in the future. I highly recommend “DOWNFALL” for readers ages 15 and up.
Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at AuthorJBRichards.com under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!
Find “DOWNFALL” by Deborah Teller Scott on Amazon & Kindle here.
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IHIBRP, IHI Book Review Project, IHIBRP Round 15, Book Review, Indie Author, Amazon, Kindle, Goodreads, Ebooks, Kindle Unlimited, Mystery, Thriller, Suspense, Detectives, Traditional Detectives, UK, Romance, DOWNFALL, Deborah Teller Scott, IHIBRP Award, IHIBRP Recommended Read, Must Reads, Great Reads,
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