A Fascinating Read, Injecting Elements Of Sci-Fi Into A Classic Kidnapping Case!
Proebstel’s readers will appreciate the passion she holds for her interplanetary traveling characters as she draws them together to overcome significant personal challenges and put their lives—as well as their families—back together. Having been introduced to the third book in the “Ascension Quest” series as a novice reader, I found it easy to relate to the “Ascension Quest Book Three” story despite having had no exposure at all to the prior two chapters. The author does an adequate job familiarizing readers with her overall plotline, and her characters are imbued with back-stories that have texture and substance. There are a few areas in the novel where the dialogue may be a bit stilted, sounding more like a lecture rather than a simple conversation between characters when read aloud, but the overall writing is rich in detail and effectively holds the reader’s interest. Although this story is themed as Sci-fi, containing various hallmarks of the genre from teleportation between planets Tuala and Earth to alien technology and futuristic cultures, the tale itself focuses more on the resolution of a kidnapping and the mother’s pain at having had her child stripped away at a very early age. Proebstel effectively presents the story from both sides, showing the consequences of this criminal act on those who perpetrated the crime and those who have suffered so greatly from this horrible act. The reunion of Amanda’s twin toddlers is the main goal of this chapter of the “Ascension Quest” series, and if one were to extract the elements of Sci-fi and Fantasy from this story, it might still be found equally enjoyable by Crime/Mystery fans. In either case, this novel is a fascinating read, injecting elements of Sci-fi into a classic kidnapping case that will peak one’s curiosity as certainly as it tugs at the heartstrings.
Find “Ascension Quest: Book Three of the Levels of Ascension” by Amy Proebstel on Amazon & Kindle here.
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IHIBRP, IHI Book Review Project, IHIBRP Round 9, Book Review, Indie Author, Amazon, Kindle, Goodreads, Ebooks, The Writers Block, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Aliens, Kidnapping, Twins, Ascension Quest, Three Levels of Ascension, Amy Proebstel,
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