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5 Star IHIBRP Book Review: “The Artist: The Lives and Loves of Apollo Antonius Vidali” by Lyra Shant

Everything That Shanti Promises… And More!

In “The Artist: The Lives and Loves of Apollo Antonius Vidali”, Author Lyra Shanti strings us along through a series of hilarious, rambunctious, and torrid love affairs, all aimed at nursing the infamous Apollo from a love-starved and immature young teenager of the 1800’s to a contemplative and egotistical bohemian who is hell-bent on conquering Vienna’s art and music world. With one shocking twist after another, Apollo learns that all his whims may lead to ruin and all his desires may not be fulfilled.

Shanti’s plotline is quite engaging, if not captivating, and her characters fit properly into her historical venues. While the romantic ravings of her main character may be a trifle overzealous and over-the-top—and certain interjections like “Hey!” may be somewhat out-of-place in respect to their historical aspects—Apollo’s praises suit his rakish and vivacious personality to a tee. Peppered with incredibly passionate lyrics and poetry, Shanti shows off her own poetic and musical genius in the operatic verses she contrives to represent Apollo’s music, inner thoughts, and musings.

Apollo Antonius Vidali’s life is rife with decadence and debauchery. His sexual escapades, as well as the adult themes and language in this novel classify “The Artist” as a read for more mature teens and adults. Lovers, hedonists, and romantics alike will treasure “The Artist”. Music… Madness… Sex… and Art… This novel is everything that Shanti promises… and more.

Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!

Find “The Artist: The Lives and Loves of Apollo Antonius Vidali” by Lyra Shanti on Amazon & Kindle here.


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