A Dark and Chilling Psychological Mystery!
K. A. Duggsy masterfully metes out the circumstances of her main protagonist’s past in this dark and chilling memoir of a wife and mother overwhelmed by the lack of love in her daily life and the robotic routine she keeps just to lessen the pain and heartache of a tragic loss.
What seems from the start to be a simple telling of a homemaker’s suspicions about a cheating husband turns into a deep psychological thriller in “Can’t Fix Crazy”. Duggsy’s efficient use of suspense and foreshadowing continuously and efficiently builds throughout the plotline, giving her reader one shock after another as she winds through the landscape of this mind-bending and heartbreaking tale. Readers will feel an intimate connection to each character as the agony of a horrific tragedy unfolds and unspeakable secrets are revealed.
This is a brilliant read, masterfully told by an author whose insight into the human psyche results in a story blending ego and self-doubt with jealousy and insanity.
Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!
Find “Can’t Fix Crazy” by K.A. Duggsy on Amazon & Kindle here.
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