A Can’t-Miss Epic Every Sci-Fi Fan Must Read!
Transformation and maturity are the key elements in the fourth and final chapter in Author Lyra Shanti’s popular Sci-Fi space opera—the Shiva XIV Novel Series’ “The River Of Time”. The characters we’ve grown to know and love so well in the first three chapters of the Shiva XIV novels are now grown and settled into their lives as adults living with their own challenges, decisions, and responsibilities. And as leaders and followers, lovers and haters, parents and would-be parents, warriors and spiritual beings coming to terms with where their lives have left them, “The River of Time” builds on a strong sense of destiny and a deep foreboding that the author expertly conveys and dramatizes in this highly complex and driven plot line that will leave readers completely satisfied, yet screaming for more … much, much more.
But in “The River of Time”, as in the rest of the series, Shanti never allows her characters to rest on their laurels. Great change and personal growth is always on the horizon, and despite the fact that her hero, Ayn, has now become the Bodyana—the leader/messiah of his people—the galaxy’s political and spiritual affairs remain very much unsettled. Like most leaders, Ayn’s troubles are only the beginning, and here, Shanti’s storytelling skills kick into overdrive, more than meeting the mark, with new challenges as she drags present into past and vice verse in order to forge new alliances and a viable future for the Un galaxy. Brilliantly told, expertly crafted, and imaginatively forged, “The River of Time” is a can’t-miss epic every Sci-Fi fan absolutely must read—as is the entire Shiva XIV series!
Preorder “The River Of Time (The Shiva XIV Series Book 4)” by Lyra Shanti now on Amazon and Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/River-Time-Shiva-XIV-Book-ebook/dp/B076461YH4/
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