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4 Star IHIBRP Review: "The Weatherman" by Laurie Axinn Gienapp

Starts out as gentle as a spring shower, but soon cranks up to an F-5 tornado—And no one escapes the destruction unscathed!

It’s obvious from the start of “The Weatherman” that Author Laurie Gienapp has put a lot of research into her novel. Her explanations as to how weather patterns emerge, how climatic predictions are formulated, how various areas around the globe are affected, and how nature can so easily and without much provocation run amok is indeed impressive. She models her main characters on actual positions in the meteorological profession, and takes the reader on a primer course in weather analysis and forecasting as Researchers, Analysts, Climatologists and Meteorologists all come together to solve a grave puzzle in this tale of a nondescript entity (or entities) determined to take over the world via weather control. It’s a brilliant premise that will appeal greatly to weather enthusiasts, storm chasers, and conspiracy theorists alike.

The two female leads in Gienapp’s tale stand out as role models, particularly for young women interested in the meteorological sciences. Both Eileen and Josie are tops in their careers—not to mention practically everything else they do, and they lend a great deal of credence to the story. Each not only takes charge of her own dire situation but excels in trying to prevent lead villain Francois—or his evil conglomerate—from taking control of Earth’s weather.

In contrast to the female leads, lead villain, Francois, and his “team” are completely inept—to the point of being humorous, and there seem to be several different agendas on the table. It’s hard to determine whether Francois is operating on his own or at the behest of an illicit organization. Subsequently, there’s no clear measure as to how much of a global threat he poses, but we get the idea that—no matter what—he is determined to succeed with his evil plan … whatever that may be. Francois’ supposed right-hand man, Sam, who has little clarity about the main mission and even less control over it, appears to have few motives for kowtowing to Boss Francois’ every whim and putting up with his verbal abuse, and yet he is more than willing to continue begging for his boss’ approval and going along for the ride.

There is one blatantly inconsistent character in “The Weatherman”—Oliver—who is supposed to be a brilliant weather researcher, but often appears clueless about what’s going on around him. He’s even more in the dark about the impending danger looming over him and his associate, meteorological prodigy and house guest, Josie. If it wasn’t for the fact that Oliver irritatingly required a detailed explanation and quick summary from his peer on almost everything from how to break down a flow chart to how to call in “sick” to work, he might have made a great leading man and foil for Josie’s brilliant mind.

All in all, “The Weatherman” is well-written and worth the read. Gienapp’s inventive and unique plot line is punched up with a kidnapping, an inept imposter, a hilarious team of quirky young weather forecaster wannabe’s, a series of disappearances and murders, and the inevitable personality conflicts that propel the story forward at a reasonable pace. By tying the butterfly effect into her tale, Gienapp keeps the reader guessing as to the outcome of the story, plugging several stunning events into the latter chapters of her novel. The result is that “The Weatherman” starts out as gentle as a spring shower, but soon cranks up to an F-5 tornado—And no one escapes the destruction unscathed!

Find Author Laurie Gienapp’s “The Weatherman” on Amazon and Kindle at


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