A Fast-Paced Sexy Thriller That Will Leave You Out of Control!
At first glance, Author R.M. Gauthier’s Mystery Thriller novel, “Control”, appears to be just another tale about a bored housewife having problems with her humdrum marriage. But once Alexandria Shaw is offered a choice between the Red Pill and the Blue Pill by best friend Haley, she is ushered through the world of an illicit private adult nightclub where public nudity, dominant/submissive role-playing, and sexual demonstrations are the norm. Enter nightclub owner Landon Miller who instantly has Lexi longing for a soiree and fantasizing about a personal relationship with this irresistibly charming and handsome stranger—this intriguing “man of mystery”. Readers will not be disappointed by this fast-paced, sexy Mystery Thriller!
As Alexandria navigates her way through Miller’s adult Wonderland, Author Gauthier executes a brilliant psychological drama that is—to say the least—heart-stopping, but certainly delicious! She elicits both sympathy and anger at her protagonist, Lexi Shaw, as she is caught up in a vendetta of jealousy between long-time rivals and suffers the single-most abusive, not to mention terrifying experience of her life. Here, the author’s treatment of the relationship between Landon and Shaw pulls no punches, and the reader is left shaken, chapter after chapter, by the ever increasing passion and tension that develops between Landon and Lexi. Gauthier demonstrates her genius in weaving a complex and incomparable Mystery Thriller tale as she delicately peels away the thick layers of Mr. Miller’s elusive past, ultimately revealing an ending that will certainly have readers gaping in disbelief!
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