Jack’s Latest Reveal May Ruin This Holiday Wedding Before It Even Starts!
Overview: As our happy couple finally reach their big day, and are ready to celebrate their impending nuptials, another one of Jack’s secret plans threatens to derail the entire wedding. Author RM Gauthier writes another heartwarming yet tense tale in “Christmas Miracle on Christmas Day” when she expands on Jack’s charitable but unpredictable nature and Charlotte’s fear of sudden changes. With her main protagonists’ lives already having already been threatened by hidden secrets and distrust, one wouldn’t think there would be a huge twist in this chapter of the Christmas Miracle Series... And, there is!
Gauthier expertly heightens the suspense in this story—totally shocking readers—when Jack, who is totally thrilled to finally be getting married to Charlotte, suddenly turns both of their lives completely upside-down by tossing a giant wrench into their future plans—Oh, and did I mention that he does so on their wedding day?!
Fans of the Christmas Miracle Series will certainly reel as another one of Jack’s life-altering schemes is suddenly revealed, and Charlotte’s impending decision regarding their marriage is finalized.
“Christmas Miracle on Christmas Day” is a clean romance read that contains no sexual situations or violence. Although I recommend the series be read in order, this novel will hold up as a stand-alone read. I feel anyone, especially hopeless romantics, ages 15 & older will enjoy this book.
Congratulations to the author on this award-winning story! This novel will be permanently featured on my website at AuthorJBRichards.com under IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Reads!
Find “Christmas Miracle on Christmas Day (The Christmas Miracle Series Book 8)” by RM Gauthier on Amazon & Kindle here.
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